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Sea Moss Benefits & Recipe

Updated: 5 days ago

There always seems to be an endless stream of TikTok and Instagram wellness trends — an ocean of tips and tricks to better your life and health. While some are well-intentioned, many of these trends may not always be for the better.

One new wellness trend making waves is sea moss. TikTokers and celebrities are spooning it into their smoothies and using it as part of their skincare routines, claiming this plant has many health benefits. 

While it’s having its moment in the spotlight right now, this type of seaweed dates back thousands of years. Chondrus crispus, also known as sea moss, Irish moss or Irish sea moss, is a type of red algae or seaweed that grows on the rocky coasts of the Northern Atlantic. Many cultures have long used it for its medicinal properties and nutrient-dense qualities, such as carrageenan, a natural food thickening agent. 

Before you take Kim K’s or Hailey B’s word for it, we asked Tiffone Powers-Parker, a senior registered dietitian and nutritionist, to wade through the pros and cons of this proclaimed superfood of the sea.

What are the benefits of sea moss?

Like other seaweed and others in the algae family, sea moss has phenomenal natural benefits. 

“Sea moss is no different from any other seaweed or family in the algae arena,” Powers-Parker said. “It has many natural benefits. It is low in calories, fat and sugar, gluten free, has a small amount of protein and is a good source of vitamins and minerals.”

In addition to essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iodine, sea moss is also a good source of iron and vitamins C and A, which are known to aid your immune system.

With so many nutrients packed into one plant, it’s no wonder people are clamoring to use it as part of their skincare and diet routine. Powers-Parker said many claims about sea moss are not necessarily false, but further research is necessary to confirm these effects on individuals.  

Some of these potential benefits include:

Gut health support

Gut health is associated with overall health. Many imbalances in the gut are linked to inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure

“Sea moss is high in fiber and rich in prebiotics that help increase probiotics, good gut bacteria, in your gut,” Powers-Parker said. “This creates a favorable environment in your gut, aiding digestion, preventing constipation and improving overall health.”

Chronic conditions support

Sea moss has been shown to have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it helpful for treating conditions like arthritis, heart disease and skin conditions like acne and psoriasis.

Better thyroid health

Sea moss is a natural source of iodine, an essential mineral that is critical for thyroid function and health.

Aiding weight management

Sea moss is high in fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer and may keep you from overeating which may help with weight loss.


Helping build muscle and collagen

Sea moss is rich in amino acids that are essential for muscle building and collagen production. 

“One of the things that is interesting to me as a bodybuilder is that sea moss is rich in an amino acid called taurine,” Powers-Parker said. “Taurine is known to increase muscle mass, muscle strength and reduce muscle damage caused by exercise.”

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